Artist: I create and I destroy
Aide: What do you destroy?
Artist: I destroy whatever I create.
Aide: Do you destroy other things too?
Artist: Not intentionally!
Aide: You did not answer my question. Do you destroy other things too?
Artist: Sometimes. In the process of destroying whatever I create.
Aide: How do you feel as soon as you destroy something?
Artist: Like God.
Aide: Do you think God destroys?
Artist: I think God also destroys.
Aide: Then why do you want to destroy? Can’t you wait for God to destroy whatever you create?
Artist: I did not think about it.
Aide: Well now you can think about it.
(He thinks, deep and long)
Artist: But then, I AM GOD.
Aide: You said you feel “like God”. So you aren’t God!
Artist: I am not God?
Aide: No you are not.
Artist: Then who am I?
Aide: You are someone who creates and destroys. You do not have any creations to show to the world, because you would have already destroyed them. This world will never wake up to your greatness; will never make you GOD-only because you destroy every masterpiece that you create.
Artist: But I want to be God.
Aide: You can be God.
Artist: How?
Aide: Create the greatest of things that man can only dream of and then, RETAIN everything. Let the masterpieces roll in the gold dust of mankind and let them be the statues of Buddha that will forever replace Nirvana.
Artist: And then I will be God?
Aide: Yes, you can be GOD.
Artist: Whatever it is that you said, I mean what I have to do in order to become God can you write it down in simpler language?
Aide: How much more simpler?
Artist: Simpler without the Buddha, nirvana and gold dust. I am allergic to gold!